Border: Bush must lead, reject right-wing hate
Fair and humane immigration reform is a critical issue now for the southwest and our nation. Bush could finally step in, show some leadership, and do something decent. But will he? If Reagan gave legal residency to millions in the 80s, surely Bush can too? Maybe, if he has the balls.
The minutemen jokers claim to be back along the border. The few of them will be posing for overhyping media droids, overestimating their numbers and influence as they drive their ATVs around with hunting guns spewing hate and racism.
Better hope the Mothership Militia doesn't see you out on the borderlands, littlemen. You will be confronted and run off like the scared honkies you surely are. Go back home to Texas, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and elsewhere, racist assholes.
I've been away this week on personal priorities, and hope to cover more issues next week.
Keep Hope Alive