Proof that border walls block wildlife in AZ & SW
Bush/Cheney's border Berlin Walls block and harm wildlife
TUCSON -- This is a recent photo obtained anonymously of desert mule deer stuck at the border wall in southern Arizona.
These deer were trying to cross in to Mexico, maybe they heard DHS Sec. Chertoff was just in town.
Freedom of movement is critical to healthy wildlife populations, and border walls block wildlife movement. Humans just find their way around.
why not sue the bush admin over this?
not enough profit for the so called enviros here?
answer or censor - its your call.....
While the border fence may inhibit free travel, neither the picture, nor the previous commenters, have shown where the animals have been harmed.
For the record, I'd love to have the animals travel freely across the border. If someone has a workable solution for that, while stopping the flow of illegal immigrants, then I'd be the first to jump on board.
Yes, we do need to create more over and underpasses for wildlife to safely cross hwys. AZGFD is doing this for bighorn sheep in Mohave Cty.
There is a solution: wildlife-friendly vehicle barriers. Where installed on the border, these work.