Death of Chris Limberis big loss for truth & media
I knew Chris and liked him and his writing, even though some others may not have. He first called me when I declared my interest in Dan Eckstrom's seat on the Pima County Board of Supervisors in 2003. We met, had greek food, and talked a long time about the present and future problems and solutions in southern Arizona.
After that I often saw and talked with him at political meetings and events. He called me for occasional perspective on how I saw a local issue. I appreciated that.
Chris was sharp, informed, and didn't kiss ass or fake friendliness. He wanted the truth, often on touchy subjects, and worked to get it. Those most uncomfortable with his reporting were politicians and fat cats who should've been, usually the same scammers he exposed for violating the public interest.
We'll miss you, Chris Limberis. And we'll likely be less informed due to your passing. You died much too young at 47, but you made a big and positive impact on the world during your time.
Good luck, Tucson Weekly, finding someone tough and smart enough to fill such big shoes.