Iraq war horror taking Bush/Cheney down
Rep. Jack Murtha (D-PA), a decorated Vietnam vet and highly respected house member on defense issues, told it like it is and pulled no punches Thursday about Bush's failed and costly war.
Murtha said we should get out of Iraq now, and powerfully ripped Bush/Cheney for sending soldiers to die without ever having served themselves.
Across the nation you could hear the shouts of supports of people hearing it on the news, 'right on!'
The house erupted in another big war argument on Friday, where some non-veteran GOP Reps. attacked Murtha as a 'coward'.
More elected officials should start speaking up loudly against this unjust war, and calling for troops home now.
Bush/Cheney now up the attack on anyone who is critical of the war. That will not work, not with most Americans clearly opposed. This is their war, it is going very badly, and people don't want it. Why stay the course on a failed and unneeded mission? So we can boost up a dysfunctional Iraqi regime? No thanks.
But common sense and public opinion doesn't stop kneeling Bush lapdogs like Rep. Jim Kolbe (R-AZ) from shilling for more war. Kolbe told the LA Times yesterday he thinks most Republicans will still support Bush on the Iraq war, adding his view that we cannot pull out of Iraq. People gotta vote Kolbe out in 06. He's been in Washington too long.
As we approach the holidays, think of this war as we sit safe. Think of the 100,000+ dead and wounded civilians and soldiers and their families. Think of the Bush/Cheney lies. Think of the millions of Iraqi children damaged for life. Think of our moral duty to end the Iraq war's killing, suffering, and destruction.
Bush/Cheney should resign, and step down after an emergency nationwide Presidential election 60 days later.
My fellow Americans, we need to right this wrong.
That is your politicians folks. God bless em
Murtha is a war criminal and should be tried for sedition and aiding the enemy, Durbin, Pelosi, Feinstein, Boxer and Clinton as well.
That's why we should send all of our Border Patrol agents to Puerto Vallarta, so they can fight illegal immigration there instead of here.
I know I've used that line before, but it just gets better every time I say it.
ROFLMAO....He is one of the 400 that voted to stay!!!!
Hes not courageous, he is a bleeding lying backstabbing crook of a politician who proved he is spineless.