CheneyKyl money shakedown in Tucson March 23
Dick will likely fly in on Air Force 2, land at DM, be wisked across town in a caravan of armored limos and trucks to the Westin La Paloma.
Once there the Veep will drink, eat, shake hands, tell tasteless jokes, mock real Americans, and for sure help Kyl raise lots of cash, likely half a million or more. The rich republicans there will be true followers of the Bush faith, and they love Cheney.
Cheney won't really see Tucson and its barrios. He won't visit the veterans hospital. Dick C. is not welcome here. Nor is out-of-touch Kyl, a right wing fanatic who should be voted out by Arizonans in Nov.
Maybe AZ progressives will get it together for a real protest outside the event? Cheney and Kyl should be booed out of town with the other crazy baldheads.
Senate candidate Jim Pederson should do a big event also in Tucson that night. He really needs to step up his campaign, and the CheneyKyl, Inc. event is a chance to do that.
I hope the VP won't be hunting anywhere near me.