Graf/Kyl border militarization same old failed loss
Congressman Raul Grijalva, leading congressional hopeful Gabrielle Giffords and Senate candidate Jim Pederson want change.
Randy Graf and Jon Kyl want more of the same old, same old Bush failures.
Over the last decade illegal immigration is way up, so are deaths of migrants, women and children crossing the desert. America is no closer to solving this complex problem than we were in the early 90's.
Walls won't work, people get around them, but they would crush wildlife, rivers, and open spaces.
As long as migrants are willing to die for the jobs American's give them, we will not stop them with the more of GOP's enforcement only and border militarization failed approach.
Illegal immigration is primarily an economic issue, which demands economic solutions. We must find a way for migrants to legally cross at the ports of entry to work in the US, then return home as most of them want to.
Migrants already here are not going away, so let's find a balanced way to normalize them so they can come out of the shadows and join the American dream. Conservative US President Ronald Reagan tried this in the mid-80's, so it is hardly a radical 'liberal' idea.
Extreme Republican right-wingers Randy Graf and Jon Kyl offer more of the same tired federal deportation and border militarization policies that have miserably failed.
Jim Pederson and Gabrielle Giffords have more reasonable and moderate border solutions that will work to control to America's borders, benefit our economy, and protect our environment.