More Kyl failures: Iraq, terrorism and veterans
The National Intelligence Estimate concluding that the Bush Iraq policy increases terrorism was written by officials from every federal intelligence agency, and was based on raw intelligence.
The National Intelligence Estimate completed in April asserts that Islamic radicalism has grown worldwide and that the U.S. war with Iraq is the key reason behind the spread of terror threats. The report “says that the Iraq war has made the overall terrorism problem worse,” said one American intelligence official. The report reflects the view of 16 government intelligence services, including the CIA, and was approved by Director of National Intelligence John D. Negroponte, confirms predictions in a January 2003 pre-war NIE, which stated that the war impending war had the potential to increase terrorist objectives.
Kyl Still Supports Bush’s “stay the course” policies. Earlier this month, the Arizona Daily Star noted that Kyl “said he advocates staying the course.” Kyl has made no secret of his unquestioning support for the administration's Iraq war. Jon Kyl even called Bush-Cheney-Rumsfeld a “four-star” lineup.
Kyl also voted against protecting American troops with quality body armor.
We can't keep Kyl in the Senate, he has failed badly and often.
Vote Jim Pederson.