Stop Gov. Ruiz & Mexican gov't killing in Oaxaca
Last week the Mexican government attempted to crush and stop the growing peoples' movement calling for democracy and justice in the state of Oaxaca with a violent paramilitary assault on a people's sit-in/planton in the heart of Oaxaca, in the state capital.
Brad Will, a U.S. Indy Media journalist from NYC and two others were killed by paramilitary or police agents in plain clothes and many others were wounded.
Please call the Mexican consulates in your area and demand: 1. The immediate departure of the Mexican army and Federal Preventive Police from Oaxaca. 2. Immediate freedom for all the detained compañer@s. 3. Justice for our murdered compañer@s and the punishment of the murderers. 4. Immediate departure of the murderer Ulises Ruiz, current "governor" of Oaxaca.
Since the middle of June, the people of Oaxaca have been organizing to force their corrupt and repressive governor, Ulises Ruiz Ortiz, to step down from office. The Popular Assembly of the People of Oaxaca (APPO, Asamblea Popular del Pueblo de Oaxaca) is an explicitly non-violent movement and has fought to exercise their constitutional right to change their government. Their non-violent mobilization has been met with repeated government violence that has led to approximately 20 deaths over the past four months.
On Friday, October 27th, New York City independent journalist Brad Will, striking schoolteacher Emilio Alfonso Fabián, and Oaxaca resident Eudocia Olivera Díaz were murdered by people connected to the state government of Oaxaca.
Brad's death was used by the Mexican government to justify the brutal occupation of Oaxaca by federal forces on Sunday, October 29th that led to the death of four more people, including a minor, and the arrest of over 50 Oaxacan civilians. The police chief and several representatives of the Oaxacan government who were photographed when they killed Brad, however, have not been arrested. The Mexican federal police are in Oaxaca to defend the corrupt government, not to end the conflict.
The Zapatistas declared on October 30: "The call is to create peaceful actions. The occupation of embassies, blockades, marches, encampments, meetings, and protests everywhere in the world on the 1st of November 2006 and again on the 20th of November of the same year. Let us create this global mobilization together on November 1st and November 20th. We demand the freedom of our compañer@s political prisoners of the town of Atenco. Our strength brothers and sisters, because we are the poor of the world, is that we fight together. The people of Oaxaca are counting on us."
Please contact a Mexican consular office in your region today.
Stand in solidarity with the Asamblea Popular del Pueblo de Oaxaca (APPO) and demand:
* Immediate withdrawal of the occupying Federal Forces from Oaxaca.
* Immediate and unconditional freedom for all detainees.
* Cancel all arrest warrants.
* Punish the murderers.
* Justice! Freedom! Democracy!
update from Red Nacional Pro Derechos Inmigrantes y Refugiados
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