Give your phone rare wild animal sounds, for free
The Tucson-based Center for Biological Diversity offers you ringtones of rare and endangered animals, a collection of high-quality, authentic sounds of some of the world’s most threatened birds, owls, frogs, toads and marine mammals. Download their haunting hoots, sensational songs and crazy croaks to your cell phone, for free.
You can now set your cell phone ringer to the amazing and intriguing calls of the Blue-throated Macaw, Beluga Whale, Boreal Owl, Mountain Yellow-legged Frog, Yosemite Toad, or any one of over forty other endangered critters. Download the sounds of endangered species in your area or from around the world.
-- from CBD
My personal favorites are the Western Burrowing Owl, Black Toad, and Rio Grande Leopard Frog, all found in the southwest.
However, it you are not a Verizon user, it is a veeerrrrry complicated affair getting the sound on your cel. I still can't figure it out.
From a marketing standpoint standpoint, and from the viewpoint of a fundraiser/marketer myself, this gimmick for the Center for Biodiversity has got to be fast and easy to use otherwise it will fail and word of mouth will be negative.