Action for fair public lands access, end forest tax
TUCSON -- The recreation tax to use your public lands on Mt. Lemmon is 10 years old this month, and that is quite old enough.
Let's let the Coronado National Forest know that the public sill doesn't want insidious recreation fees on our public lands.
Come to the Mt. Lemmon fee booth on SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 29th @ 9am to protest.
Nothing fancy, just hold signs, talk to folks, and remind the Coronado that most people still don't want recreations fees.
See info below, there's a lot happening with recreation fees currently.
See complete protest and other info here
There are several very significant things happening around Recreation Fees right now:
1. Christine Wallace is challenging her ticket and the validity of charging fees for recreating without amenities in the 9th Curcuit Court of Appeals (her case is very strong and will set a precedent).
2. Federal legislation will be introduced by Senator Max Baucus of Montana very soon to repeal FLREA, the law that made Fee Demo permanent.
3. The Coronado National Forest (among other forests) is doing its recreation facility analysis and just put out its "5-year Proposed Program of Work and Programmatic Effects of Implementation." Through this process the Coronado will be pushing to make recreation pay for itself by removing current amenities at non-fee recreation sites (closing some sites) as well as adding fees, raising fees, and contracting out to private companies at other improved sites. Please contact the Coronado and let them know what you think of Recreation Fees,
- adapted from Sky Jacobs