Friday in the wild southwest, after the hunt
UPDATE, 10/25: AZ Republic editorial on non-lead shot.
ALPINE AZ -- Today, after the good hunt, I mostly just chilled out and caught up on communications.
It was a nice sunny warm afternoon so I took a short road trip to Reserve NM. Reserve is known as a long-time hot bed of anti-environmentalism, but everyone was real nice to me. I'm sure my camo hat and snap-button cowboy shirt helped.
Not much happening in that Catron County town, but I had a beer in the only bar and talked with Buddy. Despite several prominent 'no smoking' signs, people smoked at the bar. I went outside.
Tonight is the last for me this trip at the Blue River Retreat (thanks, Hoffmans). It was a special experience exploring, hiking and hunting the Blue, Black, Campbell Blue, and San Francisco Rivers and other public lands in the Apache National Forest.
Back to Tucson with the dog tomorrow.
Congrats on bagging that bird, hubby. What a good provider you are!