Neighborhood hosts city election debate
UPDATE, 8:20pm: S. TUCSON -- Big thanks to participating candidates Rodney Glassman (D), Regina Romero (D), Dave Croteau (G), Dan Spahr (R) and Beryl Baker (G), and to yes and no sides of the Prop. 200 tax repeal and water issue.
Glassman, Romero and Croteau did best, in my view, and voters gained knowledge on candidates and issues. All candidates and advocates there had some good ideas, and demonstrated hard work and commitment by showing up to a neighborhood debate.
Fox 11 TV news sent a cameraman.
I plan to offer my city election voting guide here before election day.
TUCSON, 9am -- The south downtown Santa Rita Park Neighborhood Association is hosting a city election debate this eve, from 5:30-7:35pm at the Sam Lena Library, 1607 S. 6th Ave.
Please participate and bring your family, friends and neighbors.