Nationally important election integrity trial starts
TUCSON -- Trial begins Tuesday in the Pima County Democratic Party's lawsuit to obtain public records to verify the integrity of elections: 8:30 a.m. in Judge Michael Miller’s courtroom, Pima County Superior Court, downtown.
Arizona law gives political parties oversight of elections. To fulfill its statutory role of ensuring secure and transparent elections, the Pima County Democratic Party first asked for and then had to sue to obtain public records – in this case, the electronic database of votes cast and counted.
If the Pima Dems are successful in their lawsuit, this will be the first national ruling that the public (through its political parties) has the right to look inside the “black box” of electronic voting and have immediate access to records that may show tampering in the electronic recording of votes or in the electronic counting of votes.
Show your support for secure and transparent elections – attend trial Tues., Wed. and Thurs., December 4 – 6.
- adapted from Pima Dems