Neighborhood group critical of water committee

Participate in your water future

TUCSON -- The Neighborhood Infill Coalition warns that your water future is being decided in the coming months, and important water planning meetings are currently taking place.

The City/County Water and Wastewater Study Oversight Committee has been formed and met for the first time last week. They have been charged with finding a way to include everyone in the process.

But their meetings are scheduled at a time when many of you work.

At the last 'call to the audience', developers, as well as the town of Marana, were able to provide input aimed at continuing more unsustainable urban sprawl. Only a few neighborhood representatives were present.

If you are interested in attending these meetings, the next one is scheduled for Friday, April 18, 8-10am, Manning House, 450 W. Paseo Redondo, downtown.

If you are concerned about your water future and the ability to have a say, neighborhood activists urge you to attend this meeting. If you are concerned about the time this meeting is scheduled or feel you should also have a say in how this process will be planned, please contact your Mayor and Council members at

- adapted from Neighborhood Infill Coalition


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