Border militarization harming AZ wildlife refuges
The National Wildlife Refuge System was commissioned by President Theodore Roosevelt in 1903 when he designated
Based upon interviews with refuge staff, PEER identified the Ten Most Imperiled Refuges in the
· National Key Deer Refuge (FL) – sprawling development and auto traffic
· National Bison Range (MT) – paralyzing dispute over demands to remove refuge control from FWS
· Pea Island National Wildlife Refuge (NC) – road construction
· Yukon Flats National Wildlife Refuge (AK) – land exchange for oil & gas drilling
· Iroquois National Wildlife Refuge (NY) – limestone quarry
· Shiawassee National Wildlife Refuge (MI) – agricultural pollution
· Baca National Wildlife Refuge (CO) – oil and gas drilling
· San Pablo Bay and Marin Islands National Wildlife Refuges (CA) – water pollution and sprawl
“Each of these threatened refuges has a different story, but they all share the peril of politics undermining the mission of wildlife protection,” remarked Southwest PEER Director Daniel Patterson. “Cabeza Prieta and
Buenos Aires
“Holistic federal immigration policy reform is badly needed to address major environmental damage caused by border walls and militarization,” Patterson added. “Desert habitat cannot withstand the scarring inflicted by DHS, smugglers and recreational off-road vehicles, and wildlife has no defense against walls and rampaging trucks.”
Other coverage: Denver Post; AZ Daily Star