AZ House campaigns hustle before Tues primary

Daniel and his lovely smart wife Jeneiene. VOTE PATTERSON Tuesday, Sept 2

TUCSON -- From today's Arizona Daily Star, by Josh Brodesky:

The scramble is on in District 29, where seven Democrats are running for state representative.

With the race likely to be decided by as few as 8,000 voters, and the end of the primary season near, every vote is precious.

So the candidates have kicked their campaigns into high gear, hoping to court the last few undecided voters in the district, which stretches from Downtown to the far Southeast Side and covers much of the city's South Side.

Trying to cast a wide net to reach as many undecided voters as possible, ecologist Daniel Patterson has been hitting the airwaves with TV commercials. ...

"You are certainly advantaged going into the race if you are already active in a public sphere," said Fred Solop, chair of the department of politics and international affairs at Northern Arizona University. "If people start to see multiple messages from you, then a candidate's reputation can lodge in the minds of the voters."

Patterson, in particular, has served up his message in a variety of ways. He is on the Internet in the form of a blog, a campaign Web site and a MySpace page. He has knocked on doors, and used signs and mailers. And he's hitting the airwaves through radio and TV.

"We have got a very aggressive campaign that is going directly to the voters every single day knocking on doors," Patterson said.

To save money for the TV ads, which are in Spanish and English, Patterson said he didn't go for color mailers and printed up some very basic signs.

"We made some decisions early on. We decided to go with a black-and-white mailer," Patterson said. "It's printed on fairly basic recycled paper. We didn't blow a bunch of money on giant, superthick, full-color postcards. I really think a lot of voters don't mind getting your information in black and white." ...

Also, some new local TV news coverage from Channel 11's Kacie Talamante:

As the race for the White House heats up, so do local primary races here in Tucson. In District 29, seven Democratic State House candidates are going head-to-head, trying to survive to the General Election.

It’s a diverse field of candidates for a diverse district, which reaches from downtown to the south side, covering neighborhoods around Davis-Monthan Air Force Base...

Daniel Patterson currently serves on the Tucson Planning Commission and the Pima County Board of Adjustment. “Our main issue in this election is the economy,” he says. “There’s far too many people suffering from inflation, prices going up, and wages going down.” ...


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