Thanks, Steve Leal, Ward 5 City Councilman

Thanks for your service, Councilman Leal.

TUCSON -- Long-time City Councilman Steve Leal will not run for re-election in 2009. When Steve steps off the council next year, he will have served 20 years.

Steve has helped me and my neighborhood in many ways over the years, and I wish him the best.

As my family and I live in south downtown in Ward 5, I will closely watch the contest for the Leal's seat, which should be an interesting local race for 2009.


Jerry said…
My shop is in Steve's district and I have always voted for him. His staff was a different story....if you had no juice you got no help.

Corvid Supply
925 E. Mill St.
Tucson Az. 85719
workers friend said…
Councilman Leal many thanks for your many years of service in Southern Arizona. Steve you have been a friend to working families and a solid voice of reason for the community. Jay T

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