Capturing kills Jaguars, AZ & feds should stop it
TUCSON -- More on-going coverage today of endangered Jaguar abuse by Arizona and US agencies.
Sergio Avila is quoted in the article. He is an experienced, ethical biologist and friend. I'm on his side here, not with the Arizona Game and Fish Dept.
The inconvenient truth for wildlife agencies is too many Jaguars, and other big predators, die during or after capture/collaring. This is unethical and we cannot afford to lose more endangered Jaguars. There are better, more humane ways to monitor animal movement.
Alarmingly, AZGFD and the US Fish & Wildlife Service still have not taken proper responsibility here or learned their lesson. The AZ Game & Fish Commission and Obama's Interior Secretary Ken Salazar should show more teeth for reform of predator management. If not, the legislature and/or congress may have to consider action.
With all due respect, AZGFD's Terry Johnson should now resign, retire or be fired by Director Larry Voyles. He's fumbled and messed up the Jaguar and Mexican Wolf programs for years and won't be missed by true conservationists.
Good job Tony Davis and Tim Steller at the Star for keeping this important story in the public eye.