HB2564 attack on womens' rights in Arizona
PHOENIX -- My friend and team LD29 partner at the capitol, Senator Linda Lopez, has issued this statement on HB2564. I agree with her on this.
“HB 2564 is an attack on every Arizona woman’s moral decision making authority and her basic human rights. HB 2564 assumes that Arizona women are incapable of making decisions about their reproductive health in conjunction with their physician and their family. It assumes that this legislature knows what is best for a woman who is making one of the most difficult decisions of her life. It puts this legislature squarely between a woman and her physician and between a woman and her family. This legislature has no business in either place.”
HB 2564 changes existing statute regarding parental notification and provides new requirements physicians must follow regarding informed consent. It also allows health professional to refrain from having to facilitate or participate in the provision of emergency contraception, abortion or abortion medication.
HB 2564 was passed in the Senate today and returns to the House of Representatives for a final vote.
- adapted from Senate Dems PIO
Plus, if you make it so teens who have reason to fear violence when their parents find out also can't go to CPS (due to Government shutdown) then there will surely be 'abortion providers' who will step up and 'fill the vacuum.' Maybe meth cooks who need a little extra income, for example, and figure their meth lab can double as a clinic.
And I'll also bet you a dollar to a can of navy beans that this legislation does not provide any money for helping educate teens about 'safe haven' options.