LD29 team sets legislative wrap up town hall Jun 5

Historic Arizona Capitol, Phoenix

TUCSON -- Rep. Daniel Patterson, Rep. Matt Heinz, and Senate Democratic Whip Linda Lopez, invite the public to a town hall next week.

When: Saturday, June 5, 2-4pm
Where: Eckstrom-Columbus Branch Library, 4350 E. 22nd St., Tucson

The town hall will be a wrap up of the 2010 legislative session. It is the seventh town hall Lopez, Patterson and Heinz and have hosted since 2009.

"This is a critical time for Arizona and it’s time we sit down for a talk, now more than ever," Patterson said. "Arizona is on the wrong track — Gov. Brewer and Republicans at the legislature cut $1 billion from education and thousands of jobs, including taking police officers off the streets."

"More than 400,000 kids, adults and seniors will lose their health care thanks to Gov. Jan Brewer and Republicans," Heinz said. "This is one of the many issues Arizonans face and I’d like to discuss our state’s future."


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