Rep. Patterson's Labor Day message to constituents
It is a wonderful time of year—kids are back in school, cooler days are just around the corner and football season is underway. Go Arizona Wildcats!
This Labor Day weekend we celebrate the 128th anniversary of an American holiday started to celebrate people working day in and day out at the unglamorous but necessary jobs. I think that is true of all of our jobs sometimes, so I sincerely hope that you get the opportunity to spend time with friends and family this weekend and know that your effort helps make our state run.
The sluggish economy also makes this a bittersweet time for many of us. Too many of you are out of work and almost all of you have shared your feelings about the economy with me in one way or another. And that’s what I’m here for. As your Representative in state government, it’s my job to listen to your concerns and help whenever I’m able. If you need help or have ideas about things we can accomplish during the upcoming session, please don’t hesitate to get in touch at, 602.926.5342 (Capitol) or 520.398.6000 (Tucson). Together we can make Arizona stronger!
I always do my best to keep you informed with updates from the Capitol, so check out my tweets at, be my friend on Facebook, and read my blog, The Arizona Eagle at
Best to you for Labor Day 2010 and beyond,
Rep. Daniel Patterson