Democratic lawmaker to hold Tucson town hall

Bringing the capitol to you.

STATE CAPITOL, PHOENIX -- Rep. Daniel Patterson, D-Tucson (District 29) invites constituents to a town hall next week in Tucson.

When: Saturday, Dec. 4, 2 to 4 p.m.
Where: Eckstrom-Columbus Branch Library, 4350 E. 22nd St., Tucson.

At his eighth town hall, Patterson will discuss the upcoming session and hear from Tucsonans about their needs, ideas and concerns so he can take them with him to the capitol.

"Unfortunately, tough times are about to get tougher in Arizona, and I want to hear from the people I represent about their ideas and concerns for the state,” Patterson said. “Jobs, the economy, education, health care and our own public safety all are at stake. We need real solutions or Arizona will just continue down the wrong track.”


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