COVID-19 in Las Vegas; Healthcare & Bernie v. Biden debate

LAS VEGAS -- As people stay home, this tourism-centered city gets quieter. Certainly workers will be hurt with layoffs, cut hours and less tips. I predict this pandemic will speed our move to a more virtual society online. The social consequences of that won't be all good, as we seal ourselves in our home bubbles. Travel and tourism has fallen off the cliff, therefore tumbleweeds are blowing across the lonely Las Vegas strip.

Healthcare is a huge issue in our faces right now. Bernie Sander's Medicare For All plan is needed badly in the USA. In other nations, testing for the virus just happens. In the USA, the first issue is 'who will pay for this?' As insurance CEOs and politicians argue about money, people get sick and may die. Our rugged individualism on healthcare is obviously a failure right now. Biden's weak, lobbyist-approved approach wouldn't change much, leaving insurance CEOs in charge of your healthcare. No thanks! Watch Bernie vs. Biden one-on-one debate tonight at 5p PT.


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